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Princess Clara Shirakawa / Mew Cream
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Kanji くらら しらかわ / ミュウクリーム (Shirakawa Kurara / Myuu Kuriimu)
Age 14
Gender Female
Race Alien
Hair Color Dirty blonde (civilian)
Light yellow (Mew Cream)
Eye Color Silver
Personal Status
VA (English) Liliana Mumy
VA (Japanese) Kotono Mitsuishi

Clara Shirakawa is the fourth main character of Akiruno Mew Mew to be introduced. Despite having a seemingly normal human-like appearance, she is actually an alien princess from the planet Lightena who was sent to Earth to help the Mews defeat Team Black Grape and save Idia, the Goddess of the Future. She is infused with the DNA of a capybara and her Mew form is Mew Cream.


Clara has a magnetic personality and a spontaneous, imaginative nature that brings excitement to any situation. Because she's so easygoing, most people don't have any trouble at all getting to know her. While sassy and snarky at times, she is, deep down, loving, and loyal to those who show kindness and sympathy towards her. She is a sweet, caring individual who isn't overly-judgmental and does her best to avoid fights. She's a little more emotional than other people, but is also very forgiving and is always willing to give someone a second chance. She is unwilling to hold grudges, as she prefers to continue on with life with a positive outlook. Unfortunately, her kindness can often be taken advantage of, so she has to be very careful if she lets herself get too close to others. As an opportunistic quick-thinker, she has enough intellect and cunning to concoct elaborate schemes on the spot. Strong-willed and independent, she takes troubled matters into her own hands and shows efficiency in reaching her goals.



Clara has lightly tanned skin, silver eyes, and short dirty blonde hair.

Mew Cream[]

When Clara transforms into a Mew, her hair grows longer, turns a light yellow color, and is styled in braids. She wears a light yellow dress with a spaghetti-strapped top and a long, frilly skirt with lavender bows on the waist.

Mew Mark[]

Clara's Mew Mark is located on her forehead.


Clara's DNA is infused with that of a capybara. As Mew Cream, she is physically well-adapted and can camouflage with her surroundings. She can jump over small obstacles with agility and can climb very high.


Clara activates her Mew Pendant by giving it her DNA with a kiss, and then saying "Mew Mew Cream, Metamorphose!"

Weapons and Attacks[]


Mew Cream's main weapon is the Cream Staff.


Mew Cream's main finishing attack is "Ribbon Cream Symphony!".




Clara means "clear", "bright", and/or "famous".

Shirakawa means "white river".


  • She shares her Japanese voice actress with Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon.
  • She shares her English voice actress with Beth Tezuka from Bravest Warriors.

Foreign Names[]

